Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23, 2017: Illegal Immigrants

        Under the opinion section of the Mainstream Media; Fox News, Liz Peek, a writer that contributes frequently with FOXNews had written an opinion documentation named "How Illegal Immigrants advocates demonize Trump and terrify people".  According to her opinion-based written document, Peek has stated that a vast majority of illegal immigrants are mostly terrified, terrified of when their last day will be living in the United States, of being broken up from their families living here, losing their jobs they had built up, and so on, but what she wants us to know is the reason of why this community is afraid? The truth is, the Left is what is causing this. The Left has purposely twisted up President Trump's immigration policies, causing riots in hispanic communities.  Peek is someone that is not against Trump and his immigration policies, but the uninformed is what she's concerned about and is something she strongly disagrees with.
        Reading this document and learning a little more about the things happening in the government today in The United States, I conclude to think that many people are uninformed of what's really happening.  Peek in this article talks to the uninformed that proclaim that it's all Donald Trump building this raid up, that Trump's pledge on decreasing the population of illegal immigrants is happening, well this?... is FALSE information.  In support to this being false information, Peek inserts a quote said by the head of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that "these operations take weeks and sometimes months of planning, so this operation was in the planning stages before the current administration came out with the executive orders", which is stating that the raids going on has nothing to do with Trump.  We say that Trump is someone who gave out their ways quick and changed everything consisting of illegal immigrants but this is wrong, when the operation was planned for ICE to come out and escalate the numbers of deportation, they were still under the continuation of Obama's deportation program.
        I'm someone who is very supportive with illegal immigrants, but after reading this opinion-based written document, I have changed the way I see ICE and their intentions they have since Trump had clearly said that he will be in the highest look out for illegal criminals in the United States to make this country great.  After reading this article, I also agreed with Liz Peek, the writer of this document.  She has stated everything that uninformed Americans think is happening but she also stressed to give evidence as to why the information is incorrect.  This is not the way the rule of law works, but uninformed Americans make it this way.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


        On February 10, 2017, CNN had published an article titled Undocumented Migrants Arrested; Kelly Denies 'Rounding Trip'. To summarize this article, CNN has said that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) authorities acknowledge the arrests of undocumented immigrants and also the article mentions about the undocumented mother being deported and leaving behind family, two children and a husband.  Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said that they have not been "rounding up" anyone, she had said Friday night that most of the people ICE had apprehended were illegal immigrants and bad individuals.  In one of those cases, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos was detained and deported within 24 hours on Wednesday, February the 8th.  Garcia was attained and deported because she's had multiple visits for her immigration check-in and she has been convicted of using a fake social security card leading to a fake identification is 2008.
        This is something many people have to see and read in order to get a better understanding of how Immigration and Customs Enforcements works.  Many of us live in Austin, Texas and not many people are aware of why ICE enforcements are out there.  Multiple of people are blaming ICE for the deportations that's been occurring but what they are lacking are the facts behind them.  After reading this article, I'm now aware of how we could avoid this situation but now we face them.